Advanced Traning "Reconnecting with Feminity"

Bring your female energy back into the flow...

                                                               Foto by Majana

In this advanced training seminar we bring back our female energy into the flow. Through physical and yoga exercises, specific hip opening, energy dances, dynamic breathing, guided meditation and self-healing methods we learn how to stimulate the reconnection to feminity within us and others.



  • Reconnection with mother Earth and our roots
  • Opening of the heart chakra and activation of the heart’s energy
  • Connection with our abdomen (home of feminity)
  • Realization and expression of our emotions
  • Balancing of female and male energy


Requirement: Basic training “Energy Work and Healing Meditation” or similar trainings after consulting Indira.


Individual sessions are also available on request.


Price: 180€ incl. towel (max. 8 participants)

Accommodation and food not included


Questions, information and registration:

Indira: 0049-174-2013503

or 0034-622346022



I am a certified Yoga teacher (I.Y.F.), certified health consultant and Dorn-massager (RückGrad e.V.). Self-healing forces are stimulated in the courses, seminars and exercises. Everyone is acting on one's own responsibility and acknowledges this when making an appointment or registering for a course or seminar.

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